Working with our Marketing Tools, you can easily build up your web site’s acceptance from your own Hosting Control Panel. From the Sitemap Generator you can get a detailed sitemap for your website in no time. You can submit the sitemap to major search engines so that they can index your website as fast as possible. At the same time, through the RSS News publishing instrument, you can easily deploy consistently kept up to date content on your web site, which is a promise for better listing positions with the major search engines. The GeoIP redirection application will allow you to route visitors coming from a specific place into a special language version of your website for more precise marketing end results.

A Sitemap Generator

For quick search engine scanning

A sitemap is known as a set of the pages within a site that can be utilized by robots and clients. You can use a sitemap to tell major search engines which web pages of the website you want to be crawled. At the same time, a sitemap might help your visitors find the way on your web site. You’d usually employ a third party sitemap software program to acquire a sitemap for your website. Nonetheless, with us, you’ll get a sitemap application already available in your Hostexer Hosting Control Panel.

Within the Advanced Tools section, click Sitemap Generator and right after choosing the data format of your sitemap, click on the Crawl button. The sitemap of your website will be all set in a few minutes and you will be ready to send it to the major search engines.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Simple and easy location–focused re–direction

We supply a simple and easy application, which will enable you to filter the customers of your web site based on their location. For example, utilizing the GeoIP redirection instrument, you can easily send all the customers coming from Spain to the Spanish version of your site if you have such. This can help you target your users much more precisely and supply them with the online stay they are expecting.

No special skills or tech experience are needed to make use of the GeoIP re–direction tool, and you no longer need to use .htaccess files to do the job.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Present the most current publications within your site

What is RSS? RSS can be described as a technique for publishing and gathering site content. It’s being commonly used by news sites, private blogging sites, bulletins, and so on. The posted content is quickly collected through an RSS reader and then shown to the consumer. Using RSS, end users can obtain news from a wide range of sites and go through them in a sole place.

Using the RSS News application, you can quickly incorporate headlines feeds coming from a lot of the world’s most well–known information portals and display them on you website.

RSS News