Whenever any content is uploaded to a shared hosting account or downloaded from it, web site traffic is produced and this is a feature that every single hosting plan comes with. It is also among the features it is important to take a look at, since what amount of traffic quota you'll need is based on what you need the account for. The site traffic is mainly produced by downloads which includes site visits. In simple terms, whenever somebody visits your website, the web pages are downloaded from the server to his or her computer and they're then displayed by their web browser. It's also important to be aware that uploads are considered as well, hence every time you duplicate larger files from your pc to the server, some web site traffic is generated too. Different providers may have different names for this feature, like traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, but all of them refer to the very same thing - the exact amount of incoming and outgoing data created for a period of time.

Monthly Traffic in Shared Hosting

The monthly site traffic allowance for all our shared hosting packages is sufficient for any kind of web site. Whether you have a personal blog, a discussion forum or E-commerce portal, how much info will be transferred to and from your account or getting to some modest quota limit won't be a reason for your web sites to be inaccessible. In addition, we offer elaborate website traffic info, which means that you'll be allowed to keep track of the amount of content is being downloaded all of the time. The hourly, daily and monthly results will inform you on how the sites do, which files produce most of the site traffic plus a lot more useful information that can help you handle the web sites plus the account as a whole. The statistics can be accessed with just a few clicks from the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel.

Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting

All our semi-dedicated server packages are suitable to host multiple resource-demanding websites since they come with a lot of processing power. Such sites usually generate a lot of website traffic and for this reason we've decided not to restrict this characteristic. With a semi-dedicated server, you will be able to have as many website visitors as you can get without having to worry that you may hit a limit for the website traffic they can produce. To save you time, you will be able to monitor what's going on in your account as we'll supply you with monthly, daily and hourly figures for the traffic your sites produce. Thus, you will be informed on the way they operate at any time. You will even be able to check out which webpage or file has produced the most traffic for each web site hosted in your semi-dedicated server account.

Monthly Traffic in VPS

The monthly website traffic allowance you will get using our Linux VPS services is sufficient for any kind of site and it's proportional to the remainder of the system resources that come with each plan. By using a more powerful server, you'll be able to operate a variety of sites or a couple of really popular web sites, thus the traffic allocation for the higher packages is also greater. When you select a low-end VPS package, you can easily improve it whenever you want with just a few clicks through your billing Control Panel and then the extra resources will be added to your current account, together with the increased traffic allowance. All of the VPS accounts feature a server administration panel where you have the option to keep track of the used and remaining website traffic for the current month along with all the other system resources. In addition, we send announcements when you reach 90% of your limit, so that you have sufficient time to react and update if you find it necessary.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Hosting

Taking into consideration how powerful all of our dedicated hosting services are, the data transfer that you will receive each and every month will be sufficient for any type of web site whatever the number of its visitors, even if you supply file or image hosting. You'll get a quota of terabytes of traffic each and every month and given that you won't share the server with others, that allowance will be provided just for your sites and web applications. We will contact you when you reach 90% of the quota so that you'll be able to react and either optimize your sites to lessen the traffic they make, or extend the limit. It is highly unlikely that you may ever need more than what we'll give you, but we will not limit the growth of your websites, that's why we leave the chance to add more traffic open. The dedicated server plans feature a management panel where you will be able to see what amount of site traffic has been generated to date for the current month and the amount that is left until you reach the limit. Due to the fact that these figures include software setups and updates, they're more accurate than various hosting Control Panel stats which include just the site traffic made by sites.